Home » Start your week off on this note…

Start your week off on this note…

I accidentally hear strangers conversations all the time. But this one is definitely worth sharing.

As I’ve been writing in my Goal Planner this week about the things I’d like to achieve for rest of the year and even goals for my day to day, I noticed I have a lot written in the journal section under: “On My Mind”.

On My Mind:

Reading to my Son, establishing his night time routine

Learning my camera.

Grow my blog.

My health.

Do well at work. Review and understand guidelines.

Be present in the moment- while at work, focus on work, while learning food photography, focus on photography, when Im reading to my son, focus on my son.

I thought WOW there is so much happening right now and I want to be the best in all these areas. How do I do this, how can I fit all of this into my day and keep going?

Well as I was on my evening walk, I was again thinking about things “on my mind” Then I overheard this:

It’s not about being the best just to be the best. It’s about being the best because you don’t know what YOUR best could do for someone else”

Ahh. This is how I will keep going and pushing through the long days, the thought of inspiring someone really brings me joy. No pictures of food tonight my friends, just this wisdom that being at your best could do something for someone else.

Be sure to check out my other posts on Mindset : Quotes of The Week and 3 Things I’ve Done Recently to Make Myself Feel Good .

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