Basic Food Photography (Part One)

Basic Food Photography (Part One)

Over the past year, I have been learning basic food photography and also now more advanced photography. It’s pretty amazing how my photos and composition have grown! If you have ever thought about getting into blogging and better yet food blogging, one of the big pieces is the photography. We Eat with Our Eyes A…

Can you even Ket-chup Bro?

Can you even Ket-chup Bro?

Ever think you would be reading something about Ketchup on a blog and not have it be a Heinz ad? Did anyone in 2020 start binge- watching the show Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and find themselves day dreaming…what if………. ………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………… Here’s my set: Hello I’m Kristina! Some things about me, I REALLY love to cook….

Let Me Upgrade You

Let Me Upgrade You

Marriage. It is about being open and honest and having difficult conversations. My husband and I have been married for 4 1/2 years and we lived together prior when we were dating. This had been on my mind for awhile. How can you tell someone that you love that you really don’t like the dishes…